Designed for Barbies who feel the tug of something more—way more—beneath the lies we've been sold about who we are supposed to be. We're plunging into the tales that have held us captive, challenging everything from love. motherhood, sex to success, and flipping the script.

Eager to reshape womanhood by your own rules? Dive in. Embrace the taboo, engage with a show that provokes and transforms. If you dare to act on what is shared, it's game-changing. Watch the #AwakenedBarbies revolution. 

I Became A Mum And Forgot Who I Was


Where does the 'old you' go when you become a mum? In this episode we explore the grief of losing your pre-motherhood identity and call out society's harsh judgments on mothering styles. How, as mums, can we embrace our multifaceted personalities and feel less guilty about taking care of...

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How To Uncover What You Want (What You Really, Really Want)


You know you're unhappy, but how are you meant to know what you really REALLY want? Especially when your life has been designed to put others first?

In this episode, we ask why so many women struggle with voicing their deepest desires. How do we confront our fears? And challenge the...

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Why Didn't My New Car Make Me Happier For Longer?


In this ballsy episode, we challenge the illusion that happiness has a price tag. We deep dive into the epic battle between ego-driven desires and genuine self-fulfillment, exposing how our consumerist culture just slaps a Band-Aid on our deeper personal issues. This provocative episode...

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Is Manifestation total BS?

Welcome to the Weird Barbie podcast, where we plunge into the mysterious realm of manifestation, daring to challenge conventional beliefs and ignite controversial conversations. Join us as we uncover the ancient roots of manifestation and explore its potential to transcend reality itself. Through...

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